Heavy rain game sound effects
Heavy rain game sound effects

heavy rain game sound effects heavy rain game sound effects

Some games sometimes seem to believe the tool is more important than the content. Technology and graphics are just tools to create emotions, nothing more. This article was really in synch with my personal approach: the only thing that really matters is what the player feels as he plays. He never mentions the technology, the graphics or the interface that are usually the main points of focus for a game. The journalist just wrote about what he felt playing the game, his emotions, his thoughts. One of my favorite was written in an American video game magazine. It is really difficult to pick one specific review as there were so many great ones. With Heavy Rain, they talked about the story of the game and the emotions they felt while playing.ĭid any reaction really stand out for you? Some media used to talk about video games only to say how violent or addictive they could be. More surprisingly, the feedback from the mainstream press has been equally positive, if not even better. In fact, reviews have been extremely positive in a consistent way worldwide with scores of 90% in average. Heavy Rain breaks with most of the rules used by video games for 20 years, and I thought that there would be a lot of resistance against that.

heavy rain game sound effects

I was also expecting more polarised reactions to the game. Few people (including me) would have predicted that the game would be number one on all platforms both in Europe and in the US, knowing it was a new franchise based on a new genre. We spent two years before release talking about the game, evangelising, explaining why it was a unique experience, and it seems that this work generated enough attention to generate strong sales. I never doubted that there was an audience for more mature content, but I feared that few people would give the game a chance. Heavy Rain has caused a huge amount of debate among game writers it's really got people thinking about games again. We covered everything from his personal favourite moments in the story to the performance of the voice actors - and where will this genre go next. Last week, we spoke to David Cage about both the critical reaction to the game, and his own thoughts on its strengths and weaknesses. Quantic Dreams' incredible thriller, with its mannered game mechanic and tight focus on characterisation and emotion, seems to have opened a new chapter in the story of video games as a mass entertainment medium. Whether you love it or loathe it, there is one certainty about Heavy Rain - if you're a gamer, you have an opinion on it.

Heavy rain game sound effects